October 2, 2011

It never figuratively rains on -my- parade

Ah, a rainy day is EXACTLY what I needed.

I ended up not getting to bed until 5:30 AM Saturday. I think I'm becoming an insomniac slowly and surely. I don't even know what caused it; one minute I was dreaming and the next I was wide awake. What did I do to pass the time? Look at old pictures from 2005 onwards. HOLY. CANNOLI. I had long, CURLY hair back in high school. I miss it so much now, waah.

Well, I ended up getting quarter to noon and spent the remainder of the day studying and doing questions. Yeah, I'm great like that. Somewhere during that period, my Mom called to make sure I hadn't gotten into any fist fights (no, literally. She was worried I got into a fight on Friday or something because I hadn't called). Then she proceeded to tell me how she didn't want to bring the dogs next visit. Oh Mom, how I adore you.

My roommates and I took up our whole kitchen table to study. You want to eat supper? Close your books and eat at your study spot. It's kind of cute, actually. We're all so serious until someone gets frustrated, groans loudly, and causes the other two to laugh. I love my roomies to death, since we get along so well.

We got extremely bored of studying. I mean, to the point where there were some curses, nodding off, and giving up. Amy wanted ice cream, but didn't have any in the freezer.

So how do we alleviate this problem?


We all pile into my Nitro and book it down Whyte Ave towards Capilano Mall. We finally get there and realize we cannot, for the life of us, find the mysterious Dairy Queen we had seen last time we had descended on that area. Kristine comments that there were DQs up Whyte by the university, so we ended up getting a bit lost trying to get back home (ahem, I took the wrong exit at a traffic circle).

45 minutes later, we're waiting for a bus. And it's raining. And cold. Bus finally comes, we hop on, and crowd the very back where we proceed to giggle loudly and try to plan Halloween out.

WELL, turns out Amy and I were thinking different DQs. We end up going to the one at this College complex thinger, instead of the one on campus (which was good, since it's still really cold and rainy). Do try the pumpkin pie blizzard; it is DELICIOUS.

So here we three girls are, walking down Whyte in the rain with ice cream. Obviously we are well aware getting cold and wet does have an affect on one's health, but I'm sure at this point we didn't care. We just wanted to get on a bus, go home, get dry, and get the fireplace turned on. Long story short, we hopped on the next bus going our way, shove past the drunk asians, and get home.

Was it worth the 2 hours to get ice cream?

You bet it was.

And to top it off, I got to FINALLY chat with my boyfriend. He's just so busy lately, gah. Between sports, science, and his apparently REALLY crappy rez mates, he's swamped. And he's not coming home for Thanksgiving. Sadface for me, but I'm glad he at least gets some quiet time to relax and get some studying done.

I, on the other hand, plan to study inbetween getting fat on my Mom's cooking and sleeping on the couch with my dogs. And probably play some piano and violin (which is KILLING ME that I'm not playing at all) to appease my cortical maps, which by now are probably going "AHHH HER MUSICAL MAP IS SHRINKING WHAT IS SHE DOING!" But I think sleeping on the couch with the dogs is priority number one.

Some days just belong to the dogs, after all.

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