September 9, 2012

Methods to Madness: the Early Signs of Insanity Displayed by Young Adults

Oh hello blog, I guess you do exist after all. I suppose I should be using you instead of Twitter or Facebook to display my dismay and stress. Or something like that.

I guess I turned 21 last week. It hasn't even soaked in that my birthday occurred. Last week at this time I was giggling over texts from that guy I adore after a bro night with my guys friends. Now I'm mulling over (literal) stacks of papers, deciding whether certain sentences need a streak of bright colour so I'll remember to look back at it at a later time. My birthday was that quiet. Heck, it was even the first birthday I've ever had that I haven't cried. There was a few points during that day that I wanted to sob, but I pulled up my fancy big girl panties (because cotton is a betch) and pulled through. Let's just say some girls suck big time.

Anyway, I begin my research project Monday by learning how to culture mast cells. By skimming (and I mean skimming) through the paper on the top of my "read these for your lab" stack, sounds like it's not easy. Mast cells, due to their location and (lack of) availability in a host, are a BITCH to culture. And if this manuscript isn't lying, it's an 8 week culture. 8. WEEKS. I really hope that isn't true. Maybe this is a really old manuscript because I am an impatient person by nature (we've gone over this, blog).

Oh yeah, got that research position. Oops.

What else...

Part of me has grown up. I buy silky pyjamas (which is apparently a really adult move, thank you Mother). I dress more age-appropriate (or rather, more lab and professional setting appropriate). I like adult things.
So I guess it's adult for me to want to (yet again) cut toxic friendships out of my life. I'm sick of second chances that blow up in my face. I hate trying to always give emotionally and not get one single thing in return. Is that too much for me to do? Am I going to run myself down emotionally this school year instead of physically and mentally?

I guess I'm weird. Not a bad thing to be, though.

April 16, 2012

impatient me.

8 days until he gets here.
4 finals yet to be written.
2 days until my first final.

Be still, oh heart.

March 31, 2012

Tired and Lovesick

I know I told that guy of mine I was going to bed after I hung up the phone, but I feel as though I need to post this somewhere. Perhaps I'll put it on Facebook later, but eh...

Anyway I just realized what weekend this was. Kay, flashback to a year ago. Here's this girl. Broken, sad, mad, self destructive (to a point, but still), and not being the young woman she really was. I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure I was borderline hating life at this point, so it was pretty bad.

Inform her that a childhood science role model is doing a lecture at her college.

Things freakin' change.

I invited everyone in my science courses (which was pretty much the same 15 people). I mean, who doesn't want to see the coolest Canadian science reporter (WHO, MAY I ADD, PAYS VIOLIN!) speak about something cool like prions? I don't think I slept the night before the lecture.

It was weird. I didn't expect to get asked when we were going to meet up, whether we were going to dress up, ect ect. I suppose we were really close friends at this point, but it was -who- asked that shocked me even more.

I had been, for the past month and a half, loathing the male population. Okay, not loathing, but wishing they would remember I didn't really want anything to do with them (regardless of how my actions may have said). So when I started getting odd butterflies in my stomach, I knew -something- was wrong (or rather, right?).

Lecture was AMAZING. I could make a whole post on how eye opening and helpful it had been, but that may be for another day, my (lack of) readers. The after snack Q & A, however, was when it all started rolling.

We were bickering about something science again. You know those cartoon characters that always argue but end up liking each other? That's how everyone explained it. For once I was wearing heels, and I was tall enough to be at a more... arguable level. I must of have made some silly face, because he laughed and mumbled something about arguing a lot and how that leads to people dating.


It was a weird night. The engineers were setting up their April Fool's prank, the wind ensemble was practicing, and this meant my science friends and my music friends were going to mix. We all wanted to see the prank take place.

We pulled away from everyone and just chatted about how we should keep in touch after moving on to our respective universities and how exciting everything would be. He kept pushing his university on me, and I couldn't help but wonder why. I thought he had seen me as some goofy girl who had big dreams but wasn't on her way to reaching them. I really thought he hated me. He had been so crude with me for weeks until... -that- happened, and he had begun progressively become a sweeter guy.

(Back up further to first year chemistry lab:
Me: What, you wanna come at me bro with your tallness and gingerness?
Him: Do you EVER shut up?!
Me: ... -still has a crush on him-

Forward to second year.)

We finally get to everyone. The engineer students are hoisting a piano with balloons attached to it into the air. My friends from music and science are mingling. My ex is glaring me down as I walk into the bar with this other guy. The same is being done by the guy who had been constantly creepily hitting on me. Girl type friends are giving me strange wondering looks. Gay friend is ecstatic and I don't know why.

Instant panic mixed with endorphins. Why does it feel so normal and comfortable standing beside him? I mean, we stood and sat beside each other in class and it never felt this good. Why did I feel like myself again?

I panicked and, perhaps for the second time that year, ditched him. I saw a friend I had been super close to, gave her a tackle hug, and laughed my face off. My best friends thought I was nuts. My "Bobsy" twin was cackling; she and my best friends were the only people who saw me like that: truly happy.

Him: Is she -always like this? This happy?
Bobsy twin: Well, yes. Only around us though.

He walked me out to my vehicle. And I didn't get his number.

And I beamed the whole night because I was truly happy, and my ex looked like he wanted to choke me. I'm sorry, bro.

Gay friend decided he wanted to do my tarot reading. Turns out something good was going to happen the next night. I shrugged it off.

Cue April 1st.

Music concert. I told this certain guy we were having our last jazz performance ever and actually asked him to come. Mind you, Bobsy and I had always asked him to come, especially for our musical. He never got to come, and I feel so guilty I just only recently saw him play his favorite sport.

He wasn't there (for good reasons that I don't remember) and I was crushed. I had to stop myself: why was I so crushed? Why was I hoping to see him more outside of class?

Concert: over. Cue after party.

Best friend 1: So, did he ask for your number? ACTUALLY, why were you two so close all night?!
Best friend 2: WAIT WHAT
Me: No, sigh I really wish I had.
Best 1: Mutual friends? WAIT TEXT ******! They must have each others numbers, they went to the same high school!
Me: -frantic texting-
Gay Bestie: What are you asking?
Me: I'm going to pretend it's for a study group.
Best 1: But that means you need a study group then.
Me: -whipping up a study group- Oh crap, she just gave me his number.


Best 1: Your ex is glaring at you! WHAT IS THIS GUY SAYING YOU ARE RE- why are you taking out coins
-whole table goes quiet, all the guys are looking shocked because my ex had to have overheard that-

And so, coins were flipped.

And I was going out on a date in 25 days.

Who knew a year later I'd be in love with the most amazing guy I've ever met? Who knew a year later I would be getting off the phone with that same silly guy and realizing that he helped me get to where I am now?

Not I, said the Lanie.

January 29, 2012

I'm a Soul... Man? Sister?

I'm boring. I haven't done much except studied, looked for clothes/stationery/groceries, and donating my blood for research.

OH OH OH I've had a few bad allergic reactions recently....?


I'm going to go back to listening to jazz/blues, write letters, and finish my lab.


January 3, 2012

You're the Link to my Zelda, and the distance is our Ganondorf.

I am so sorry, blog. I apparently don't post during finals, which is okay. I still feel like I've neglected something I should be trying to keep up with.

Finals were alright. I studied my face off, which is never a bad thing. I got the best Christmas present though: my best friend from Burnaby came to Edmonton, and joined with our other best friend, spent her long layover enjoying each other's company. Good friends and food are never a bad combination!

Then in the wee hours of the morning, my boyfriend flew in. I don't think anyone can understand what feelings of joy I had that night. Honestly, when you haven't seen someone that knows you so well, treats you like their best friend, and comes to see you before he sees his own family is... wow.

I finally finished off my finals, admist boyfriend playing video games and cooking my meals (good grief what a sweetheart), and my roommate, boyfriend, and I went back home.

Got to boyfriend's house, had supper, Skyrim'd/Persona 4'd/movie'd, and I ended up going home THE NEXT DAY. Oh, my parents had a gas. Repeat this over and over again until Friday night, where we went and saw a movie then I had to be home before 11 to make trifle. Mmm, trifle.

My Mom has to laugh at me. I go shopping with my boyfriend. We sit in his basement dual screening video games. Funniest of all to her is that I chauffered him all around town. I like that, considering I have a bad habit of dozing off in vehicles if I'm not driving.

Christmas Eve was spent at church. My Mom created a HUGE potluck for 100+ people. We don't really do anything special anymore, so my parents and I sat in the living room and watched me play Skyward Sword.

Christmas was spent at a family friend's (who is basically like a sister to me). It was so peaceful, and hardly stressful.

Boxing Day. Oh Boxing Day. Got up super early to take advantage of some very good deals (black bandage dress and black Kate Middleton-esque trench, YES). Then home, where we prepared a huge meal and had my boyfriend's family, family friend's family, and my family all in our small home. It was AMAZING.

Boyfriend got me ANOTHER gift. Apparently when they get you jewelery, it's srs bsns. I love it regardless; it is a heart earring and necklace set that suits me perfectly. And then on top of that, he says that four letter word every girl hopes to hear. In front of parents.

See, I don't know how to put in words how much I already miss him. My Dad laughed-sighed when he walked out the door and I started crying. He sees it as I'm a princess who wants her knight to come back and whisk her away. I am 100% okay with that analogy.

I know, I'm blabbing, but my heart is heavy and I just want April to come now. It's funny; the next time I will see him is April. His birthday, our one year.

Oh heart, be still.

November 30, 2011

An update of sorts.

Sleep in 30 minutes.
First final (parasitology lab) in 15ish hours.
Boyfriend and best friend come to Edmonton in 18 days.


My heart is happy.

November 19, 2011

Oh my goodness, my legs are on fire.

So, when you dance a lot of cabaret after a week of missing dance class due to being home, you tend to hurt for the next few days.


Had my last midterm (virology) last week, on Thursday. ROCKED THAT. Got 10% higher than the class average. Hello, A+. It feels absolutely AMAZING that I've figured out how my brain wants me to study: the old, simple way. Which is good, because in 99.9% percent of my classes I take great notes. Why spend 15+ hours rewriting and studying notes when I can just spend that time studying? -duuuh- Especially after that one immunology midterm... -shudder-

Went home and did mostly nothing. I tinkered with my term paper for physio and half-arsed studied for parasitology. I mostly just ate, ate, ate, hung out with my friends at my college (got punched in the stomach), and hung out with my guy bestie. Who caused many nightmares after watching the whole Marble Hornets/Slenderman first season with me.

Drive up? Horrible. After exactly 3 hours from Edmonton to Valleyview, I was expecting a nice 45 minute speed to home. HAH! Try a 45 km/h TWO FREAKING HOUR drive. Thank you, roads and thank you, first snow. Ridiculous. Three things though:
a) I am the calmest driver ever when my vehicle starts fishtailing on ice,
b) I cannot believe we got home before they shut down HWY 43, and
c) I am so thankful we are alive.

Oh goodness. I got my boyfriend his Christmas gift. Let's just say you shouldn't get something the day it's realeased. GONG. SHOW.

And I guess I've started my Christmas shopping, too. On my small bit of cash, I've been able to get something my Mom will love, half of my boyfriend's gift, and start putting together a little gift basket for my boyfriend's family. I HATE buying gifts because I am so horrible at it, but everyone is reminding me that I am being very thoughtful by doing this. I'll take that as a "good job." (Thankfully, Dad just wants me home, and my best friends are getting cards, since I haven't done that in AGES.)

Oh yeah, cabaret. I apparently do extremely sexy things, by accident, while I dance. Is that a compliment?
We finally finished the choreography to our song, and the last lick of the song just makes -me- sweat performing it. It's a little more sultry than I expected to be, but it still looks good regardless! Our instructor hopes we'll perform it in December, and the musician in me is crying out, urging me to do so. We'll see; I have NEVER danced for people before, and based on her ideas for costume, I am more than a bit nervous for that type of performance.

Also, I have the greatest boyfriend in the world. Have I mentioned that before? Probably, but I think it should be said all the time. I really hope he comes in 12 days. He is
a) a huge inspiration and drive for me to focus on my studies,
b) such a good shoulder to lean on for support (if I could reach it...?), and
c) hilarious.

Seriously, shout out to him. I don't know how he does it, but he sends the simplest texts that always make me smile or laugh. We can't skype (no webcam...), calling isn't exactly the easiest (I'm the only one with a calling plan), and we can't exactly fly back and forth to see each other. But it's almost been 7 months, and everyday (with or without contact) has been amazing.

Gah, now I'm all sad that he's not here yet. Oh well. In his own words:

"You have to be more patient with some things."


November 1, 2011


So, I got my Cell Biology mark back. PLEASE tell me the average low so I did better than everyone else...

I have an interview for the lab of my dreams Friday. Please, please, PLEASE let this happen. I am wanting this more than a lot of things, like food and showers and sleep.

Um, I'm getting put on the bone marrow donor's list. I really want to be there to help someone if I really can.


-retreating back to the hole that is my room-

October 31, 2011

You Can Have My Heart/Halloween

I'm just finishing off watching Howl's Moving Castle for the second time, and I just made this startling realization.
The first time I watched it, I was in the state of mind where I hated romance (to a point), and I felt like I didn't deserve any of it.
Well, I cried when it ended. Howl may have come off as a jerk at the beginning, but you started to see the character development. He becomes this strapping fellow that could literally eat your heart. I fell in love with that type of guy. I dunno, I'm blabbering but Howl's that type of guy you want to be with.

And now, I kind of think I've found that. Minus the negative bits (like turning into demon birds).


Let me just put it out there that I'm no longer a huge party animal. That's in the past, and I'd rather just forget that happened.

Well, the roommates and I ended up going out Saturday night. A hippie, a pirate, and myself in the good ol' tiger suit. We first started off watching my boyfriend's volleyball game while having a few drinks (mmm, sasparella). We loaded onto a bus, then delved into the night life.

After many high fives and paparazzi pictures (because apparently little asian girls in tiger suits is a great photo op), and running into our old professor's son (the prof that got me into immunology), my one roommate headed home.

That's when the hippie and the tiger took Whyte Ave by storm.

We first ran into a troop as Robin Hood and his Merry Men (which looked EXACTLY like the Stark/Winterfell gang with a random Varys tagging along), and I ended up wooing them with my promises of land when "I returned to my Northernly Kingdom." I wooed them enough to get paid chocolate coins and awesome pictures and high fives.

Theeeen we ended up getting invited to some awesome club, where they gave us tequila. BAD CHOICE. Basically we went to every bar (minus the Black Dog) and at least had a drink at each one.

We wanted to dance, so we thought if we went to the University, we could go dancing at Dewey's. This is where I started drunk texting my boyfriend in sheer excitement of the night, and started texting people in general. To be brief, we wandered on campus drunk until we ended up at Hudson's (yes, another Hudson's) and had jager bombs. ALSO BAD CHOICE.

Well, we drunkenly wandered back onto Whyte where I got these few responses:
1) high fiving me because I was cute/had the best costume ever/I was just epic;
2) Waving because I was adorable;
3) Getting yelled at because pikachus are cute (???);
5) Hit on (because apparently you can see my chest under a huge tiger suit?) and
6) invited to random bars/shows because I looked like a PhD student.

My roommate thought this was the best thing ever, because I easily blush, can be very shy, and don't like it when guys hit on me and they aren't a certain ginger.

I'm sure I'm missing stories about the Funky Buddha, the hearses, and the Showgirls bus, but those are for another time.

We eventually got home at midnight (We started at 7:30, give us a break), and ended up laying on the floor, basically twitching and giggling. We somehow finished off what remaining alcohol we had left, turned on the oven, grated cheese, and made the BEST NACHOS EVER.

And then proceeded to eat candy, nachos, drink alcohol, and play Mario Kart.

I still won, even though I was the most drunk.

I think it's a success when you make a girl puke from your knowledge of fecal-based knowledge of parasites.

October 26, 2011

Merry-Go-Round of Life

There is a little girl inside of me who didn't really get to enjoy everything she should of. She got emotionally scarred more than once, her parents ended up in the hospital more than once, she didn't ever really fit in. And sometimes, on nights like tonight, while listening to beautiful waltzes, this little girl comes alive. She wants to be twirled around in a dress, dance and not feel judged for it. Cry tears of pure euphoria because her feet can't touch the ground.

That's probably the one thing I would go back in time and do. I wouldn't be able to change what happened to my parents or to me, but I would go to a time where everything was okay, put on my cute little pink dress my Mom sewed for me before she grew tired and weary, and let my Dad swing me around before his back gave out. I would cherish every moment of that.

I see all those little girls at weddings that get to do just that. I'm just a wee jealous, since the little girl inside wishes things could have been different. I sometimes think that way too, because perhaps the little girl would let me focus more on what needs to be done now. But tonight I'm glad I went through what I did. I learned how to deal with the tough issues early, and now I'm much stronger now. Even though as I type, I'm trying hard not to bawl all over my stupid notes I should be reading.

I'm sure that little girl will one day get her chance to swing around, dress flaring up, the euphoria creeping through every fiber of her being. And when it happens, she won't have to worry about anything bad. I'll make sure she gets her chance to feel that. I promise.

I'm sorry, I'm all emotional and today's just been draining. It feels good to have a cry, though.